Friday, August 29, 2008

I just had to take a picture of my hibiscus with the double blooms in one bud!! I have never seen this before and thought it was really cool!! Like! This is one of my favorite ones, and I love the colors of the blooms on this plant. Not the best picture, but you can still see the double bloom in one bud. Going to Lubbock for a couple of days over the Labor Day weekend, so won't be posting for a few days. Will take some pictures of the house and a few of family in Lubbock to post for next week! Happy knitting over the long weekend all, I plan on getting some done and get caught up on my KALS!! Have a great Labor Day Weekend everyone! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mid May Cloth

Here is the Mid May KAL Cloth. This one was a challenge for me as I had to pay attention to what I was doing. There was a lot to the pattern, and some new stitches that I have not done or put together before. This one is called "Every Day Any Day" and again is designed by Sue Schaefer. It is a pretty cloth and one that I plan on making more of. I saw one that someone else made in the striping yarn and it was really pretty, so think I will get some of that for the next one! 10 cloths done and 14 more to go!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Pretty Hibiscus

We had to landscape our yard when we bought the house, so we bought all kinds of plants and one of my favorites is the Hibiscus. Well, we bought a lot of plants so a few were put in pots and they are on my front porch. This one was so full of blooms one day that I just had to get a picture of it. I think it had like 8 to 10 blooms on it. Normally they only have about 3, so was happy to see so many on this one. The other one is a new kind of Hibiscus and the flowers are so big, I plan on getting a few more of these next year!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

May KAL Cloth

Here is the KAL Cloth for the beginning of May. It is really a pretty one. The name of this cloth is "Wedding Rings" The Designer is Kathleen Brundise. It is a really pretty cloth. Wish I knew someone that was getting married, this would be a nice addition to the gift, but guess this one is just going in the drawer with the other dish cloths. Unless someone lets me know they want!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Joey's First Day of School

Well it is finally here, my last one is going off to school!! Joey is now in Preschool 2 days a week! What am I going to do with all that free time??? I think getting some knitting done, and some Mom time will be top of the list!! He is such a ham! He loved his first day and did fairly well with being away from Mom for the 1st time.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mid-April Cloth

Wow it has been forever since I have posted a blog. Where does the time go??? Soooo much has been going on over the summer, mostly working in our yard trying to get that done, and a much needed surgery and now that that is all done, and kids are in school, maybe I can get this updated and spend more time blogging!!!! Well here is the Mid-April cloth. It is really a pretty one and my Sister-in-law Joy is the proud owner of it! The name for this one is "Dots within Strips" and was designed by one of my favorite people Sue Schaefer!! I really liked the colors that were chosen for this one too!! I am hoping that in the next week or two to get the rest of the pictures up of the cloth's that are done and start adding some more things about me and my family!! Pics of our new house and things going on in my world!