Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Thunks

1. You are driving down the road and there is a puddle in the road. A big puddle. Not one that will really wreck your car or anything, but a big puddle. There is no other cars in front of you or behind you - do you drive through the puddle or drive around it? I would drive around it, cause you never know what is in it, and most of the time my car is clean cause I am anal about that, and it would get it dirty!! lol

2. Go to Google Images, type in any word that comes to mind and post the 1st picture you see.
Guess where I want to be??

3. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to take/get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose? I would take some thing to do with Social Work. I have wanted to be a Social Worker ever since I adopted my kids!! I know it is a hard job, and not easy, but I think I would be good at it!! Maybe some day!

4. Are you blogging on a laptop or desktop? Right now my lap top, cause my desk top has died cause of a nasty virus!! Hope to get a new one soon!

5. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often? Bath & Body Works, when I am out of town, love everything in the store, and get in real trouble when I am there, and in Hobbs America......well...ummmm, I guess Hobby Lobby, cause we really don't have much here.

6. My daughters tried out for the school musical last night. Were you ever in a school play/musical? Which one? Well, not a play type of musical, but was always involved in Chorus and sang in the winter and spring concerts we would put on!! Love to sing!!

7. I read yesterday that a school PTA group wants to try to ban white bread, cakes, brownies or any other "treat" from their lunch menus... plus make kids' lunchboxes brought from home not include any "junk food". Thoughts on that one? This is a great question!!! I have two girls in public school right now, and they have been in 4 different schools, and each one is so different on lunch menus. In Texas they were allowed to purchase an extra snack type of food to go with their meal if they had the money, other wise they got fruit! Then we moved to North West New Mexico where they went to 2 different school and got all kinds of snacks for lunch, from pudding, cake, cookies and ice cream. Then we move to Hobbs, NM and they only get fruit with their lunch, and can not purchase anything extra. I think offering them a more healthy choice at school is good, but I think they are taking things a little to far! Really if you look at the fat intake on white and regular wheat bread there is not that much difference, and what kid is going to eat whole grain wheat bread??? Unless of course they grew up with it!! As, far as not allowing them to take it in their lunch boxes......Get real, that is going a bit far!! I don't see how they can do that, people have the right to eat what they want, and unless there is a cause for a ban on certain foods at school, like for allergy reasons, I don't see how they can do it.......NO I don't agree with that!!

8. How many people can your kitchen table seat? Right now 6, but if we put both leaves in it and put some more chairs around it we can get 10 to 12 easy!!

9. What time is it right now? It is 4:30 pm.

10. Walk out the front door of your house/apartment, turn right, walk 2 blocks. What do you see? I would not be able to walk two full blocks to the right, because our street dead ends at the end of one block and then there are just houses with yards. So the answer would be someones back yard HA HA!!


Unknown said...

I want to go there with you!! I love Hobby of my favorite stores...but we have done really good at staying out of there for a long time.

Unknown said...

Oh, no...we have not found a place yet...but we will. As far as I am concerned we are still on for the end of next month. Can you send me the kids shirt sizes please?